Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is The Tania Collection? The Tania Collection is an online fashion store dedicated to providing unique, high-quality fashion choices.

How can I place an order? Browse our online store, select your desired items, and add them to your cart. Proceed to checkout and follow the instructions to complete your purchase.

What payment methods do you accept? We accept all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover) along with Apple, Google, Meta, Amazon, and Shop Pay.

How long will it take to receive my order? Orders are typically processed within 1-2 business days. Shipping times vary based on your location, but you can expect your order within 5-7 business days after processing.

How can I track my order? Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number. Use this number to track your package on the courier’s website.

What are your shipping options? We ship to all 50 states within the U.S. We do not currently offer international shipping.

Do you ship to P.O. Boxes? Yes, but please note that we do not hold responsibility for shipping and delivery to P.O. Boxes. Some items may not be eligible for P.O. Box delivery due to courier restrictions.

Can I exchange an item? We currently do not offer exchanges. However, you can return the item for a refund and place a new order for the desired item.

Something I purchased is now on sale. Can I receive a price adjustment? Unfortunately, we do not offer price adjustments on items that go on sale after purchase.

What is your return policy? If you’re unhappy with your purchase, you can request a return within 7 business days of receiving it. Items must be unworn, unaltered, and in their original packaging with tags still attached. Customers are responsible for return shipping fees unless the item was damaged or incorrect.

How do I request a return? Log in to your account on our website and navigate to the “Orders” section. Follow the instructions to request a return. Once approved, you will receive a return shipping label.

How long does it take to process a return? Please allow 5-7 business days from the day we receive your return package to process it. Refunds will be issued to your original payment method.

What if my order is incorrect or damaged? Notify us within 7 business days of receipt via your account page under the “Orders” section. We will provide further instructions on how to return the item.

How can I contact customer service? You can reach our customer service team via our Contact page. We strive to respond promptly to all inquiries.

Can I change or cancel my order after it has been placed? If you need to modify or cancel your order, please reach out to us promptly. While we’ll do our best to accommodate your request, once an order has been processed, we cannot guarantee changes or cancellations.

Do you offer gift cards? Yes, we offer e-gift cards in various denominations. You can purchase them directly from our website.

How do I stay updated on new arrivals and promotions? Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay updated on new arrivals, promotions, and special offers.